Things Have Changed
Hope ya'll are safe and sound!
Well, I'm just a 17 year old teen but I still think many things have changed since the day I turned 13. I was so very much excited on my 13th birthday thinking that I've finally become a teenager but I didn't know I'll be leaving that innocence behind forever.
Childhood was fun ya'll!
I mean we weren't so concerned about everything, things back then weren't so bothersome. We were never so concerned about our looks back then, we ate whatever we wanted but now we think about calories. Everyone seemed to be pretty back then but now we judge people by how they look and what they wear. Do ya'll remember how sweets taste? No? Of course how will you because you must be avoiding them lately right?
*Aghh sugar is not good* etc.
Nowadays, someone else's opinion matters a lot more than one's own. This thing has become so worse that you post a picture on social media just to know if you look good or not and if that picture doesn't get enough likes, you feel low. The words pretty and beautiful are replaced by hot and sexy. People are thanking their parents on *social media* for gifts. Birthday party with family is replaced by late night party with friends in clubs. Now self love has become self obsession. And most importantly, now LOVE is just a word and for some, it is lust. Those red hearts have lost their value. Fat, slim, tall or short didn't matter then but now we starve ourselves to look presentable. It was fun watching cartoons right after coming from school but now we prefer *Netflix and Chill.*
No buddy I'm not saying it's wrong. It's your life so do whatever you want. It's just that the 7 year old me lived a much better life than the 17 year old me is living right now. I'd literally say that that seven year old me was careless. Yes, careless. That extrovert kiddo had so many friends back then and she could easily befriend people. She didn't even care what she ate and loved herself so much and had nothing to with the world and their opinions.
But this Seventeen old me is a coward. This person is scared to face this competitive world. She's afraid to meet new people and seeks solace in being alone most of the time. She's even okay with having less friends.
I always thought adult life is awesome like I can live the way I want. I won't need permission from my parents anymore but the thing is that next year I'm turning 18. Yes, eighteen. I don't know why but writing it numerically and in words brings a big difference. Number seems fine but when I read 18 in words it seems like oh gosh I fucked up. I'll be an adult soon but I still see myself asking for my parents' permission for every little thing in future. I really want it to be like that though. Sometimes I think of going back in time and telling my old self that life's not so beautiful ahead so live it to the fullest for now.
*****I thought about writing this blog while listening to BTS' song Tomorrow.
I heard that song the previous month and I've been listening to it on loop and I got this idea.
Here's the song... well, the song's a bomb though!
(This song is a bomb like every other BTS song💜)
If you wanna know the meaning of the song, here's the link.
(The analysis of the lyrics is not done by me)
Exactly my thoughts which you have put up in words ❤️💯
DeleteHappy to meet an ARMY!!!!! Lot's of things will change when you grow up. Just always be happy, Choose what you love to do. Keep sharing more. :)