
So yesterday I was searching for something inside a cupboard and in a corner I saw a hardcover book. I thought it might be an old used diary but I thought of giving it a try, I pulled it out and when I saw the cover I thought it's crap but when I turned the cover over, I saw an old photo. A photo of my grandpa holding me in his arms. Well, he's no more but is still  with me because of the photo. 

Later I had a real regret of never seeing that photo earlier. And suddenly when I closed my eyes for a minute,  out of nowhere memories of me with him just flashed and I relived the moments spent with him. When I opened my eyes, I cried because a thought  that he's no more just came into my mind again. His laugh, the way we called each other, annoyed each other and played with each other still makes me cry. He was, is and will always be the only man whom I love the most in the world. Photographs are worthy. A single photograph says alot. 



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