
Hey beautiful! How are you doing today? I Just wanted to say that you're looking even more pretty today. I love that cute smile of your's when you're about to take the very first bite from your ice-cream. I love that laugh of your's when you're watching funny videos and unknowingly, you become too loud. Oh you might be thinking about the pimples you have on your face right! But that's totally fine because people love your inner soul, buddy or maybe you might be hating your body for the scars it has right! No worries because you look even more beautiful with those scars, honey. Too thin or too fat, too fair or too dark?
Society's judging you for being too friendly with the opposite gender?
Oh that's not even a problem then. You are who you've wanted to be and no Society can judge you for being real. Fuck the crap that the society says about you. You know who you are and you don't need to be taught about Relationships and Beauty by these douchebags. Love yourself, your parents and your friends. You don't owe any explanation to this fucking society okay! Live your l the way you want.


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